Saturday, August 2, 2008


Can one person attract a million pounds?

This coming year one of my aims is to attempt to attract a million pounds through my blog. What? Noooo that's ridiculous right. Actually not so much. The law of attraction states, you are what you attract. Human beings are a magnet. You can draw with your energy a positive feed; financial abundance, romance, joy, peace BLAH and BLAH some more, or a negative feed...SHEER LACK and misery.Okay, maybe not just this year, maybe a whole lifestyle change to see what happens. Could i be mad, experiencing an early midlife crisis, on the bottom rung of a truly desperate ladder? Not really.
I've seen the law of attraction pop up so many times in my life. I also think it's good to challenge your beliefs and see how far you'll take them. It's like extreme believing.